Community Standards | Harry Hall

Community Standards

Your Platform

 We want you to enjoy using Huufe and feel safe whilst doing so. It is your platform to share your equestrian experiences and triumphs with your friends. Huufe is a community of people who share a passion for horses. Like all good communities, we have some very simple Community Standards for us all to follow:


Your security is of the utmost importance to us. We work tirelessly to ensure the platform and your data is safe and secure, but we need your help:

·         By using Huufe, you agree to use your real name and identity.

·         You must respect other user’s confidential information, including that which belongs to their horses. You must not publish confidential information without their consent.

Digital Safety & Behaviour

Your safety and wellbeing on Huufe is paramount. We want the community to be a place where people of all levels of experience and backgrounds can explore, share and better both themselves and their horses, without fear of harassment, bullying or general inappropriate behaviour. So:

·         Please treat others as you would wish them to treat you and be supportive of their efforts 

·         We will remove abusive content and we will disable accounts belonging to those individuals who present a risk to the safety and wellbeing of Huufe users or horses.

·         We will proactively investigate reports of threatening language or other abusive content.

·         We will not tolerate bullying or harassment in any form on Huufe.

Physical Safety & Welfare

Equestrianism is the only sport that involves two athletes, horse and human. It is the successful partnership between these two athletes; the trust that is built up between them, that makes equestrianism so enjoyable and exceptional. In addition to the FEI Code of Conduct for The Welfare ofThe Horse please note that:

·         Being a member of the Huufe community requires you to uphold the very highest standards of equine welfare.

·         We strongly encourage you to share your equestrian knowledge and experience to help others achieve these standards.

·         We will work, as appropriate, with the relevant law enforcement agencies and animal welfare organisations where a genuine risk to a horse’s welfare is identified.

·         Equestrian activities can be dangerous for both horse and rider in certain circumstances. Please consider both your horse’s welfare and your own safety always. Concentrate on your riding and only use electronic devices when it is safe to do so.

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